This year we had our very first booth at the annual Oktoberfest organized by the German School Tokyo Yokohama (DSTY). This event is held in order to celebrate the German beer and sausage culture and we took the chance to promote our business.
Our German staff member Ephy put in a lot of effort to spread as much information as possible and due to our partnership with a traditional Japanese tea house this experiment was a huge success. Said tea house donated some original tea boxes which we gave away as a gift to everybody willing to listen to our promotion.
Even though it was raining until noon we had quite a few customers and in the afternoon we celebrated the success with some good German beer.
Pacific Link international hatte zum ersten Mal einen eigenen Informationsstand beim diesjährigen Oktoberfest der Deutschen Schule Tokyo Yokohama (DSTY) am 8. Oktober 2016. Trotz des starken Regens am Vormittag war das Experiment ein voller Erfolg und viele Interessenten haben sich an unserem Stand eingefunden und sich von unserem deutschen Mitarbeiter Ephraim Bohlender beraten lassen.
Als Dank bekam jede(r) eine kleine Tee-Dose geschenkt, die wir von einer Partnerschaft mit einer traditionellen Tee-Stube zur Verfügung gestellt bekommen haben.
Gegen Mittag ist das Wetter dann aufgeklart und Abends haben auch wir uns unter das Volk gemischt und der deutschen Bier- und Wurst-Kultur gefrönt.
職種 | 国際コーディネーター(大手企業に出向あり) |
仕事内容 | 海外との引越し業務のコーディネーター |
応募資格 | 社交性と誠実さ 経験は不問です |
雇用形態 | 正社員 |
給与 | 経験・能力を考慮の上、当社規定により決定します。 試用期間3ヵ月有り |
勤務時間 | 9:00~18:00 |
待遇・福利厚生 | 各種社会保険完備 交通費支給 |
休日休暇 | 週休2日、夏期・年末年始休暇、慶弔、有給 |
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Haneda Airport (Tokyo International Airport) / International Terminal
先週 会社創立13周年記念パーティを行いました。
お部屋からの眺めがこちら すばらしい眺めです。
この機会に 関係者一同心を新たにして
何卒 倍旧のご支援 ご協力くださいますよう 心よりお願い申し上げます。
Last week we celebrated our 13th anniversary.
We would like to thank everyone who made this possible and contributed to the growth of our small company.
The view from the window of our room was just stunning.
The president’s speech
We enjoyed a delicious meal containing various colorful dishes
The exhaustion from everyday life was blown away.
The main dish was this beauty.
The Basil sauce was breathtaking.
As a gift we received these gorgeous tea cups with a beautiful blue onion painting on it.
According to the oriental philosophy they are a symbol for elegance and grace.
We too try to work with grace and elegance.
We want to take this as a chance to tighten the bond between our staff and create an even more enjoyable workplace with an even brighter future.